Monday, October 24, 2005

As I Eat My Cinnamon raisin Bagel...

I have always wondered where the view that God is someone like the god in Bruce Almighty, came from. I myself believe that God has a sense of humor because man was created in His image and man certainly has a sense of humor. Have you ever really looked at an ostrich? If that doesn't make you laugh, well, I have pity on your soul. I see God's sense of humor shining through His ingenious creations, as well as in the way certain things in my life have worked out. When I look back at them I laugh and I'm quite positive that God is laughing too because I was so stupid. However, even though I am quite sure that God has a sense of humor I absolutely hate to see Him portrayed as some kind of nutty "king" who has a corny stand up comedy routine. I don't believe that skits that portray Him as such give Him the dignity and honor He deserves. God is so powerful, so awesome, and so merciful that it completely blows my mind to think of Him. I can't understand why He would choose to save me. I can't understand how people could see Him cracking jokes like a court jester. I just don't get it.


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