Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Wake Up Everyone! It's Christmas Morning!!!

They lied it wasn't really Christmas morning. It was SATURDAY morning, 7:30 Saturday morning!! So one of my dear 3rd floor leadership and beloved suitemate, comes into my room at 7:30 am last Saturday morning and confused me to death telling me it was Christmas morning and I had to get out of my nice warm bed that I had just crawled into like three hours previous. I was so confused, but nevertheless I had to obey. So I slid out of bed like I normally do and soon realized that something wasn't quite right. My dear roomie who sleeps on the bottom bunk hadn't slept in our room last night and she took her mattress with her. I usually slide down from my bunk and bounce off of her mattress. Her mattress wasn't there that fateful morning and I didn't realized it until I landed flat on my face. Yes that's right. I fell off my bed, hit my head on a chair, and sprained my wrist. Yeah that's right I sprained my wrist and have had wrapped up for three days and had to go to the winter formal in my beautiful dress and ace wrap. Why can't I hurt myself in normal ways???? My poor wrist.....


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