Monday, January 30, 2006

O Where O Where Has My Beloved Hot Water Gone????

Today was supposed to a glorious day. I was going to get up early and go to breakfast and start the day off right! I got up after pushing the snooze button twice, grabbed my clothes that I had wisely laid out the evening before and headed for the shower. I turned it on so that the water would be all nice toasty when I got in and went on to other business. Finally it came time for my favorite time of the day and I stepped into the shower and got the rudest surprise of my life! The water was frigid!! It was not nice toasty like it was supposed to be it was positively glacier!! I was at a loss as to what to do! So I turned it all the way up and waited, praying that somehow God would allow the water to turn miraculously warm again, but alas, that was not God's will for my life at that moment. Needing a shower desperately I had not choice but to plunge into the subzero water. Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen I took a three minute shower whimpering and near tears the entire time. That was the start to the rest of my day which continued on a similar path. Amazingly enough, I got ready in time to go to breakfast which was basically disgusting. The eggs were cold and fakey, the waffles hard and inedible, the sausage links greasy and fatty, but the grape fruit, O the grape fruit was heavenly!!!! Then my school day officially started. First there was the Psychology that I didn't study nearly enough for, then there was the Concepts of Health and Wellness test which I should have studied enough for except what I studied wasn't on the test, and then there was lunch. O glorious lunch that I love so well and then there was a beautiful 45 minute nap before my next class. The came the dreaded, the evil, the repulsive General Statistics which seemed to drag well into the next century. Finally there was the State and Local Government test which actually wasn't that bad. Now I sit typing this instead of doing the homework I should do tonight since I'm busy the rest of the week. My life, oh good glory, what a life.


Blogger Becca said...

You can't say I didn't warn you about the waffles! As for the rest of your day, I'm sorry it was so terrible, although that nap sounds like very nearly the best thing since 1872. (That means I haven't gotten more then 6 and a half hours of sleep yet this week by dint of either not getting to bed on time due to homework or by not being able to sleep for no apparent reason.)

In other words, my sincerest condolences for your terrible day.

1/31/06, 1:26 PM  
Blogger Einfach Warten said...

I know you did. Buy usually they are soft enough that I'm able to eat them.

1/31/06, 2:07 PM  
Blogger kiwi said...

Awwww, poor Reina! I feel your pain though! The showers here go from being scalding hot to being freezing in a matter of seconds....but it definately wakes me up! But otherwise how is your semester going? I think about you often chica! Let me know if there is ever anything i can pray for you about! Love ya lots : )

2/2/06, 8:11 PM  

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