Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sitting Gets Me in Trouble

I'm sitting in my room feeling kinda low and listening to Queen. I have definitely decided I am a very cynical person. Tonight my dorm is having an "Extreme Open House" which translates: boys. Now my first thought was "Oh great. All night long (or at least until 11:00 pm) there are going to be silly giggly girls running around trying to nab a man by being as loud and as obnoxious as they possibly can." Then to my chagrin I realized that I was being unfair to my sex when it dawned on me that the only guys that were actually going to be here were: the dorky freshman, the desperate geeks and the creepy wierdos. Unfortunately, it occurred to me that most girls that I know are desperate enough to run around flirting with anything that even looks remotely male which includes the freaks who were here tonight. Sorry if I offend anyone with my blunt remarks ;). There shall be no peace for me tonight. bah. I ventured briefly out to make myself a cup of desperately needed Earl Grey tea and to retrieve a text book from a friend. What I saw in the hallway confirmed my suspicions for the evening. I passed four guys strumming guitars hoping to woo some lovely creature away from her studying. Clustered at the end of the hallway I spied a group of guys in long 'trench coats', glasses and severe acne problems. Heaven help us poor females if that is all the male species has to offer! Thus, the cynic in me comes out. I am deeply ashamed of my female counterparts. I am annoyed with their girlie giggles, their flirt glances and desperate man traps. I also hold no great opinion of the male species who allow themselves to fooled by these conniving wenches. Seriously, I have great doubts about a man's intelligence after he is caught in the snare of a beautiful (or plain for that matter)woman. Surely, the signs of a flagrantly evil woman are simple enough to pick up...But then again what do I know? Draw your own conclusions.


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