Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Where does it all go????

It really takes a lot to get me to stand upon my soap box and rave like a wild woman. The rights of students on my campus are being violated on a consistent basis! We live in the United States of America, the land of plenty and yet we are being forced to go without one of life's little necessities, toilet paper. For the amount of money I shell out each year to attend school and live in the dorms, I expect for the roll in my bathroom to always be full. There is absolutely no excuse the University can give to why the dorms are constantly running out of toilet paper and leaving students to their own devices for days at a time. This is a severe violation of human rights that is often times ignored for its "petty" nature. I do not expect the University to supply students with the ultra high end Cottenelle or Charmin extra soft, however I do expect the University to live up to its end of the bargain. When I pay tuition it includes room and board and the provision of toilet paper. Basically the University is guilty of fraud. I pay for services that they do not provide and that makes me angry. If they only ran out of toilet paper every now and again I would be more ready to forgive and forget. However when it is a monthly and sometimes weekly thing, I cannot find in my heart to be quite so nice. Needless to say I am highly annoyed. I cannot understand how a school of this size that has been in existence for this long cannot figure out how to order toilet paper so that it does not run out! Where does all my tuition money go anyway, if it isn't providing the services I have paid big bucks for????? The question of the century....


Blogger kiwi said...

way to vent your anger! i know what you mean happens here to, but not nearly as much. you'll have to start carrying toilet paper around with you in your backpack or something!

10/6/06, 6:57 PM  
Blogger Einfach Warten said...

hahaha I have actually raided the student center ladies room before. I took a big 'ol roll out of one of the stalls...

10/6/06, 8:59 PM  
Blogger Becca said...

You should come raid Carmin some time...we've only ever run out once that I'm aware of. It must be Reed's problem. Maybe your RD in Reed.

10/8/06, 12:04 PM  

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