Friday, November 04, 2005

Ah, the Joys of Stalkers

Why do some guys think that they can follow girls around like little puppy dogs and expect them to like it?? I really can't understand it. Like I would actually date a person who wrote me a billion messages and called me thirty times in one day! Hello! Wake up! Catch the drift! I don't want to be hounded! I don't want to be hugged and called "dear" the day after we first met! I wonder if that works for other girls, because I'm not feeling the interest. Yick, it gives me the creeps just to think about! Luckily for me, I don't have a stalker or I would have to let him have it( a punch the nose for those who have been sheltered) ! I've taken a self-defense course I could inflict a nice measure of pain on the guy. My poor friend has a stalker. I feel so bad for her because even though the dude is kinda nice he is more creepy than nice. If I had to choose between having a stalker and being a stalker I would definitely go for being a stalker.

In fact, I have had some experience in this area because I accidentally stalked this guy all summer one time. He worked with me at the oh so lovely Indiana Beach. Yeah I didn't even know his name and he was really creepy. It seemed everywhere I went I would find him there too. One time I accidentally ate lunch outside of his ride, very embarrassing. He noticed that I was stalking him too. For a while I thought that he was stalking me, but then I realized that he was always there first, so therefore I must be stalking him on accident. Finally at the end of the summer he went away and I didn't have to stalk him anymore.

The moral of the story is: Don't stalk people! It isn't very nice! And it won't get you anywhere!


Blogger Becca said...

I'm sorry about your friend being stalked, and that's funny that you stalked someone. It's hard to imagine such a petite little thing as you stalking anyone.

11/5/05, 6:00 PM  
Blogger Einfach Warten said...


11/5/05, 6:54 PM  

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