Friday, October 06, 2006

Feelin' A Little Lazy

I am sitting on my couch feeling a little lazy and a little crazy. I haven't done one single solitary thing all day long. I love days like this where I can sit and sit and sit. I slept until noon which was pretty much glorious. I got more sleep last night than the last three nights. My thanks go out to Adam who walked me around forever and a year trying to find the perfect moon/field/tree setting, I think that it made me tired enough to stop thinking and actually sleep. ;) Thus ending my insomnia streak. :) I am currently watching the Indiana Jones series, the grandest movies ever! "Hey lady, you call him Dr. Jones!" Ahhh Shorty is so cute. Every time I watch these movies I am filled with an intense desire to become an archaeologist. Especially Raiders of the Lost Ark, oh how I love Egypt! However I cannot seem to fall in love with the idea of spending longer than four years in college. That thought makes me want to gag, especially when I think of all the extra money I would have to spend. I'm not a very adventurous eater. I don't think that I could eat bugs or even lamb for that matter. I don't even like chicken. I don't even like living bugs or snakes, but I do like Harrison Ford. He has a cool hat and lovely blue eyes. Why is it that in all of the movies Indiana Jones looses his hat as he is diving under a wall that is just about to crush him and he reaches back to get his hat? I never really under stood that. I want to learn how to use a whip. That would be great fun and provide me with many giggles. I am in favor of learning to do things that give me great inner enjoyment. Even if those skills are fairly useless. I love that I can write the most random thoughts that pop into my little brain, post them on the internet and people will actually read it thinking that within these lines there are words of great wisdom. I really should get up and do something useful...


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