Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Boys and Bacon

Today I had a killer American Government test so I was late last night studying for it. Although I was up until nearly three, I thought it would be alright as I would be able to sleep in until nine. Haha, yeah didn't happen. One of my dear Bowman brothers decided that it would be sweet to cook his Shatford girlfriend breakfast. It was a really sweet idea except that, well, he needed to keep his mind on the bacon sizzling in the frying pan not talking to his gal. At 7:00 am, two hours before I had to be up, the fire alarm goes off. At first I couldn't figure out what that terrible noise was so I swung my legs over and was sitting on the top bunk staring at the source of the screeching with the flashy red light when Chelsie, not quite clothed all the way, barrels out of the bathroom and says to me "Uh, Allison, fire alarm!" While she threw on some clothes I preceded to ask her if I had to go or if I could just go back to sleep. I'm not so bright in the morning. Finally after the stupid thing had been going off for like two minutes, we made our way to the stairwell and got stuck in a back up of girls, who were in a daze, had stopped and then they turned around and started to the come back upstairs. The RA's were yelling at us to keep going downstairs and get out. This confused everyone all the more so we all stopped again and kinda stood there for a bit until someone who looked like she'd be awake for longer than 5 minutes yelled downstairs to see who told everyone to go back to their rooms. The RD had commanded that we return to our domiciles and the emergency was over and Chris Rodden achieved something that few men will ever do and that was to make 150 girls mad at him at the same time! Did I mention that he was a chef at Applebee's?? hmmm...


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