Thursday, November 02, 2006

As If I Needed Another Reason....

Today I had the rather unique opportunity to fed a little girl her dinner. Before all the "awwww that is soooo cute"'s start pouring in, let me clarify. When I said little I meant a 90 pound 18 year old girl. My dear friend is a nursing student and for extra credit in one of her classes she had to have one of her friends feed her dinner. I, being a wonderful, fantastic, amazing friend, was elected. Although I tried to keep my mind off the more disturbing elements of the feeding process by singing the Baby Bubble Bee song and various Christmas carols, the urge to regurgitate would not leave. I don't quite understand what made it so disgusting. I have cleaned up more than my fair share of people's barf that I don't even know and that doesn't phase me at all. Becca I know very well and the very thought of feeding her turns my stomach. Perhaps it was the tickling sensation that moved through my had as her teeth scraped the fork or the way I could feel each slurp of liquid through the cup as she drank. Blah. Becca I love you but I am never feeding you every again. Anyway, all that to say I have found yet another reason that I could never ever become a nurse. I really didn't need another reason, I have so many already: blood, oozing bodily fluids, bedpans, bed baths, smelly people, long hours, bad get the picture. To all nurses everywhere I offer to you a round of applause and a simple thank you for all the icky stuff you have to do.


Blogger Becca said...

Gracious. I had no idea you were so disgusted. My hearty thanks for your efforts at keeping down your food. (and feeding me)

11/5/06, 10:16 AM  
Blogger Einfach Warten said...

You mustn't mind me I'm a little over dramatic sometimes...

11/5/06, 6:46 PM  

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