Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Nasty Little Things

Today was Halloween. For me this is usually an enjoyable holiday filled with candy, caramel apples, and cute little children all dressed in their finest fairy and goblin apparel. Today was not fun. I returned to my room after to dinner to discover that someone had written a nasty word on my marker board hanging on my door. Apparently a group of trick or treaters from the community went through to shame poor starving college students out of their treasured food supplies. After pounding away on my door, as they believed someone was home because of the music I had left on, the angry mob left the word "bitch" on my marker board that had previously contained only words of love and admiration. As if I could not be irate enough, another group of nasty little children came pounding on my door demanding candy. I don't have any candy! I don't like to have barrels of candy in my room! It makes me fat! I tried to put on a happy-sweeter-than-honey face and face this new group of children with optimism in regards to their manners. However, my optimism was misplaced. After giving them the only thing I had, applesauce cups, they demanded (not asked)to see if I had any more food. Then they asked if I had a roommate and if she had any candy. After replying in the negative to both of their "requests" they left without so much as a "Thank you for the applesauce cups." Now I realize that applesauce cups are not the most wonderful things to receive on Halloween, but a thank you in response is not that hard to give. Ridiculous...utterly ridiculous...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Because I am Intelligent

Hello lovely people, this is me reporting live from my room. And it is insanely early in the morning. Oh yes I pulled an all nighter last night and I am still awake I am caffeened up to the gills, well I don't have gills but if I did have them... Anyways. It has been a GREAT weekend!! I got a letter from my brother! YAY! He found me a Navy man! Double YAY! hahaha!! Oh oh and he called tonight!! Triple Yay!! I've been awake for a really long time!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!! I went to Stake 'n Shake with my crazy roomie and my Egyptology buddy at 5:00 in the morning. Yes, never again, never again! It was scary! We were the only three costumers in the place. The little worker peoples were three really big, dirty, tattooed guys...Yeah our waiter was all sweaty and he had dirt under his fingernails and his "white" shirt was practically tan and it huge orange spots all over it. He also kept going out into the parking lot, sitting in his car and doing who knows what. I shall never ever go to Steak 'n Shake that early in the morning without a male companion to protect me. Oh yes, it has been a wonderful weekend so far! To top it off there was a Alfred-Cornelius-Vern party!! Oh and I am destined to fall madly in love with Prince William and marry Dan...Cornelius wasn't too happy about that but it is her own fault as she left him for the fat and jolly Justin. And on that insanely crazy note I shall sign off.

Monday, October 09, 2006

More Pain Than Joy

At the beginning of the semester my roomie and decided to buy a wireless internet hub thingy as long cords would make for a decorating nightmare. However, it has turned out to be more of a technological nightmare. I am the one who actually purchased our $40.00 wireless thingy and I am the only one who cannot use it. It worked for a whole day after John set it up and after that...nothing. I haven't been able to do hardly any homework at my desk because it is on the complete opposite side of the room from where the internet hookup is. Our room is so nicely arranged and I would rather eat mud (complete with worms) than to rearrange. I also am hesitant to run a very long wire to my desk. Needless to say I am highly annoyed at present. Every time my father comes I have him look at it and it works for him and then as soon as he leaves, it breaks. My life is ridiculous. There is absolutely no logical reason to why my wireless internet does not work. I can see it. It has full signal. Computers are stupid. I going to go live in a convent where I won't have to deal with the stupid things. :(

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I miss him...

Tonight I walked into my brother's empty room for the first time since he left for basic training. It didn't really hit me that he was gone until tonight when I saw his room torn apart with boxes and random junk scattered everywhere. I miss him so much. I miss walking into his room to say hi while I was doing my laundry and having him say "Hey come here! I want you to hear this really cool song." That one song always turned out to be at least 30 songs and three hours later I would finally leave. I miss driving to work with him and having to listen to Pink Floyd's the Wall over and over again. I wish that he were still randomly sending me pictures of his dream cars over IM. I'm lying on his bed and wishing he were here right now yelling at me to get off as he so frequently did. It is the little things that I miss the most, the little things are what should be treasured. I find myself in need of some of John's wise and somewhat sarcastic advice, but he isn't here. He is far away sleeping in a strange bed, living a new life. I cried tonight and that doesn't happen very often. He really needs to write me a letter...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Feelin' A Little Lazy

I am sitting on my couch feeling a little lazy and a little crazy. I haven't done one single solitary thing all day long. I love days like this where I can sit and sit and sit. I slept until noon which was pretty much glorious. I got more sleep last night than the last three nights. My thanks go out to Adam who walked me around forever and a year trying to find the perfect moon/field/tree setting, I think that it made me tired enough to stop thinking and actually sleep. ;) Thus ending my insomnia streak. :) I am currently watching the Indiana Jones series, the grandest movies ever! "Hey lady, you call him Dr. Jones!" Ahhh Shorty is so cute. Every time I watch these movies I am filled with an intense desire to become an archaeologist. Especially Raiders of the Lost Ark, oh how I love Egypt! However I cannot seem to fall in love with the idea of spending longer than four years in college. That thought makes me want to gag, especially when I think of all the extra money I would have to spend. I'm not a very adventurous eater. I don't think that I could eat bugs or even lamb for that matter. I don't even like chicken. I don't even like living bugs or snakes, but I do like Harrison Ford. He has a cool hat and lovely blue eyes. Why is it that in all of the movies Indiana Jones looses his hat as he is diving under a wall that is just about to crush him and he reaches back to get his hat? I never really under stood that. I want to learn how to use a whip. That would be great fun and provide me with many giggles. I am in favor of learning to do things that give me great inner enjoyment. Even if those skills are fairly useless. I love that I can write the most random thoughts that pop into my little brain, post them on the internet and people will actually read it thinking that within these lines there are words of great wisdom. I really should get up and do something useful...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Where does it all go????

It really takes a lot to get me to stand upon my soap box and rave like a wild woman. The rights of students on my campus are being violated on a consistent basis! We live in the United States of America, the land of plenty and yet we are being forced to go without one of life's little necessities, toilet paper. For the amount of money I shell out each year to attend school and live in the dorms, I expect for the roll in my bathroom to always be full. There is absolutely no excuse the University can give to why the dorms are constantly running out of toilet paper and leaving students to their own devices for days at a time. This is a severe violation of human rights that is often times ignored for its "petty" nature. I do not expect the University to supply students with the ultra high end Cottenelle or Charmin extra soft, however I do expect the University to live up to its end of the bargain. When I pay tuition it includes room and board and the provision of toilet paper. Basically the University is guilty of fraud. I pay for services that they do not provide and that makes me angry. If they only ran out of toilet paper every now and again I would be more ready to forgive and forget. However when it is a monthly and sometimes weekly thing, I cannot find in my heart to be quite so nice. Needless to say I am highly annoyed. I cannot understand how a school of this size that has been in existence for this long cannot figure out how to order toilet paper so that it does not run out! Where does all my tuition money go anyway, if it isn't providing the services I have paid big bucks for????? The question of the century....

Sleepless in Seattle

I can't sleep. The early morning light is beginning to peak through my window. I tried to count sheep, but to no avail. I read until my eyes were barely able to stay open, but here I sit wide-eyed and bushy tailed. This is the second night in a row that I have been so afflicted. My brain just cannot seem to turn off. One stray thought leads to another and another until a complicated scenario has unfolded in my brain. I prayed and prayed but still my brain refused to shut down. I am miserable and bored out of my mind. I like sleeping. It is one of my favorite pastimes. I like better than eating and that is saying quite a bit. I like dreaming most of all simply because I have the most messed up mind in the world. Last night after I was finally able to fall asleep I dreamed that it was the rapture and God took everyone up on a train to heaven. I foolishly said something like "dang-it" and God became angry with me. Apparently (according to my dream at least) the term "dang-it" means something derogatory to God's grey hair. One of my professor's desperately wanted to go up to heaven with everyone else so he snuck aboard the train and God yelled at him, but he was allowed to stay. My mind is so out there right now if you cannot tell by my mindless chatter. I thought about doing homework instead of writing a blog but I don't have enough juice in my head right now to actually think about intelligent things. I decided that I want to start learning ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and that Egyptology would be my dream profession. However I would have to get my masters in Egyptology to actually become a really snazzy Egyptologist and I think that I may be too lazy to actually stay in school that long. I apologize to whoever actually reads this, I bet your brain is leaking through your ears right now. I feel like that every time I watch a Tammy movie. For those of you blissfully unaware about Tammy movies, they are a series of like three movies about a girl who lives on a shanty boat on some river that I should know but can't remember right now. Anyways she falls madly in love with like three different guys in the movies. Don't ever watch them. You will feel 67% dumber afterwards. I am soooooooooooo tired. This is unbelievable. I thought about drinking some hot milk to see if that would help, but then I remembered I don't have any milk and I can barely stand to drink milk cold and it probably tastes 10 times worse hot. I am at the point where sleeping pills are sounded really nice, but I don't have any. Then I thought "hey, I've got some sleepy nighttime cold medicine." However, I still have some of my senses intact and decided that wouldn't be a good idea either. So here I am typing away into nothingness about nothing thinking how grand it would be to be asleep. I bought Little Mermaid last night at midnight when it came out. It was very exciting. I think I probably watched the sing along like twenty times already (and boisterously joined in of course). I think that I shall end this rather interesting little epic on that note and it is off to bed for me...again. However you know what they say: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!" Whoever said that should be shot, quartered and dragged through the streets behind a herd of stampeding elephants........